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additional materials FOR investigators

The following handouts can be useful for investigators seeking additional information on successfully involving advocates in projects:

Samples of Strong Application Responses on Advocacy Involvement

Example Model of Collaboration: LOI

Example Model of Collaboration: Application

Advocate Engagement and Compensation Rubric 

Reading List: Advocacy Involvement in Research (Coming Soon)

share your feedback

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Resources for Investigators

Technical Assistance for Involving Advocates in CBCRP Projects

advocacy involvement In CBCRP-funded research

CBCRP's definition of advocate is very inclusive. Any person that is concerned about breast cancer and wants to be sure that we fund research that is relevant and most likely to have an impact is potentially an advocate for CBCRP-funded research projects. 

A potential advocate to a CBCRP-funded research project must meet three criteria:

  1. California residency
  2. Active involvement in an appropriate organization or community
  3. Ability to represent the priorities, concerns, needs and views of the community (or organization) and not only her/his personal perspective

Here you can review our brief summary of why advocacy involvement is required in all of our grants and ways research is strengthened this involvement. Read more about our requirements for advocacy involvement here.

technical assistance opportunities

Because we require applicants and funded researchers to engage breast cancer or community advocates in their projects, and this may be a requirement that is new to applicants or investigators, we have created a suite of technical assistance (TA) tools designed to answer questions and provide support. The following technical assistance tools are available to you:

  • TA modules: Brief, narrated power point presentations that walk through essential content. You can access them by clicking on any of the 10 modules below.
  • Webinars: 90-minute live web- and phone-based presentations presented by CBCRP staff. Webinars are provided for the letter of intent (LOI) and application stage, and walk applicants through CBCRP expectations for advocacy involvement and provide tips to give materials the competitive edge. You can sign up for webinars by clicking on the "sign up" buttons below.
  • Additional materials: Applicants and investigators can access handouts by clicking links that are grouped on the left side of this page. These handouts include samples of strong advocacy involvement responses, reading lists, example timelines of collaboration, and other content that is likely to be of interest to applicants and investigators.
  • Staff consultations: You are always welcome to contact CBCRP Staff.  Staff are knowledgable and prepared to help answer questions you may have. 

Technical assistance MODULES

Below you will find brief narrated powerpoint presentations that describe our rationale for advocacy involvement, offer information on how we define advocate involvement and how advocates can contribute to research, and supply more information to help investigators successfully involve advocates in projects. Please click on a link below to listen and review a presentation. Slides are available as well. 

Module 1: Who are advocates? [05:11] [Slides]

Module 2: Why is advocacy involvement important? [05:14] [Slides]

Module 3: What kinds of training do advocates have, and how can I find an advocate? [04:45] [Slides]

Module 4: How can advocates improve and help with research? [07:13] [Slides]

Module 5: What does CBCRP mean by advocacy involvement? [05:04] [Slides]

Module 6: What are the expectations for advocacy involvement in CBCRP letters of intent? [07:46] [Slides]

Module 7: What are the expectations for advocacy involvement in CBCRP Applications? [17:07] [Slides]

Module 8: How do I compensate advocates? [03:42] [Slides]

Module 9: What are different ways of engaging advocates? [05:48] [Slides]

Module 10: Where can I find additional resources to support me? [03:07] [Slides]

Contact CBCRP Staff with questions.


CBCRP offers web-teleconference seminars (webinars) on the topic of advocacy involvement in IDEA and Translational Awards.  Join us for engaging discussions on  requirements in the letter of intent (LOI) and application processes, finding an advocate, and how to successfully work together. The webinars will be recorded and archived, but you are encouraged to sign up and participate in the live session.


archived WEBINARS:

Advocacy Involvement in Application and Funded Projects Webinar: Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Contact CBCRP Staff with questions.