Programmatic Strategies
Every 3 to 5 years, the California Breast Cancer Research Council reviews the mission and revises our programmatic strategies to ensure that the funding opportunities we develop will address our overall mission.
California Specific: Fund research that utilizes resources particular to California and/or addresses a breast cancer need that is specific but not necessarily unique to the burden of breast cancer in California.
Capacity-building: Fund research that helps recruit, retain, and develop high-quality California-based investigators who engage in research that advances CBCRP initiatives.
Collaboration: Fund research that uses multi-disciplinary approaches and helps foster collaboration among California scientists, clinicians, advocates, community members, patients, survivors, and others.
Disparities and Underserved: fund research that addresses disparities, inequalities, and/or underserved populations in California.
Innovation: Fund innovative research (e.g., new drugs, new strategies, new paradigms, new technologies, new applications of tested strategies in new populations and contexts).
Non-Duplicative: Fund research that complements, builds on, and/or feeds into, but is not duplicative of other research programs.
Policy: Fund research and evaluation that will have policy implications for breast cancer in California.
Public Health Outcomes: Fund research that will improve public health outcomes (e.g. preventing breast cancer, identifying environmental links to breast cancer, detection of breast cancer, effective treatments, and quality of life) focusing on population interventions.
Responsive: Fund research that is responsive to the perceived breast cancer research needs, opportunities, and expectations of CBCRP as identified by scientists and the public in California.
Translation and Dissemination: Fund research that is on a critical path for practical application and leads to more effective products, technologies, interventions, or policies and their application/delivery to Californians.