Policy Initiative
The purpose of the policy initiative is to fund directed policy research on issues related to prevention, detection, and treatment of breast cancer, as well as research into the formulation of policy alternatives that will reduce the incidence of and morbidity and mortality from breast cancer in California. It is the intent of the Program to fund projects totaling up to $260,000 annually. The goal is to fill a critical gap to allow policy changes to be grounded in science that is relevant and credible.
In this context, policy is defined broadly to include public policy such as state and local legislative and regulatory efforts, as well as private policies, such as workplaces, corporation, health care institutions, and other institutions. For example, there may be research funded to support a study that can strengthen the case for regulating chemical use in California or there may be an advocacy group working to encourage hospitals to reduce the usage of disposable plastic products.
As part of implementing the Policy Initiative, we are soliciting policy topics that might have a real-world impact on breast cancer. Input from science, advocate, and policy experts as well as interested individuals and organizations are welcome.