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Community-Led Conference Awards

For grassroots community organizations that need more time or resources to develop and execute a successful event

About the Community-led conference award

The purpose of the Conference Award is to inform, stimulate ideas and foster research specific to breast cancer. CBCRP is dedicated to including all voices in the search for eradication of breast cancer and therefore have instituted the Community-Led Conference Award to ensure that grassroots community organizations are included in the conversation. This award supports grassroots community organizations that need more time or resources to develop and execute a successful event. Community-Led Conference Award applicants will submit a letter of intent prior to submitting a full application. The CBCRP council will provide feedback that may be used in preparing the full application for the award.

If you or your organization does not require this feedback, consider applying for the standard conference award. The full description can be found on the standard conference award page.

Letter of intent (LOI) submission process

  • Community-led conference award applicants must submit a letter of intent (LOI) prior to submitting a full application.  LOIs must be submitted in the SmartSimple grant application database by 12:00 Noon on October 30, 2024.
  • Community-led conferences must fulfill all of the event requirements described for the standard conference award.
  • Funding decisions for these awards will be made by April, 2025 and the award start date will be June 1, 2025.


LOI Content:

The LOI can be used to describe the event, the plan for executing the event and the areas where CBCRP guidance is requested. The sections listed below are guidelines for the information to include. 

  • A description of your organization
    • What is the mission of your organization?
    • What populations do your organization serve?
  • A description of the event
    • What is the theme, main topics and sub-topic, learning goals/objects for the audience? How do they connect to breast cancer?
    • Who is the intended audience? How will you reach them?
    • What structure is envisioned for the event?
  • A description of the organizational capacity to hold the event
    • What is the organizational experience with event planning? What types of events has the organization hosted?
    • Who will be involved with planning and staffing the event? What will each person do and what is her/his experience in carrying out that role
    • Are scientific partners involved in the event? If so, who are they and how will each person participate?
    • What is the projected cost of the event? How will the entire costs be covered? Will there be supplemental funding and/or event registration fees? How will the finances be tracked and monitored?

Feedback will be given about:

  • Assessment of the fit of the event with CBCRP funding priorities
  • Advice for improving organizational capacity
  • Recommendations for resources

Letter Of Intent Submission Forms

Complete instructions (pdf)

Letter of Intent Template (docx) This completed template may be uploaded into SmartSimple.


We held an applicant informational webinar on September 9, 2024 in which we described the requirements and application process for CBCRP applications and for the Conference Awards. 

You can view the CBCRP Application Process Overview Video (112 MB - Overview ends at 15 minutes), the Conference Application Process Video (14 MB) and the Slides (PDF) from both webinars now.

There is also an archival webinar from September 19, 2017 that focused specifically on describing the conference award application process and requirements. 

Contact CBCRP Staff with questions.