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Policy Initiative

To close the gap between research and policy by funding research that contributes to creating an environment in California that leads to less breast cancer.

CBCRP has allocated $260,000 annually to this initiative. These funds may be dedicated to one project or spread out over multiple projects, depending on the recommendations received and the potential benefit for the impact of the projects.

Research questions are selected based on the pressing breast cancer relevant issues in California.  Any policy research team in California may apply to generate answers and then effectively deliver those answers to policymakers.

As with other CBCRP award mechanisms, applications are reviewed and scored for scientific merit by out-of-state peer and advocate reviewers to minimize possible conflicts of interest. The final funding recommendations are made by CBCRP's Council.

For information on previous Policy Initiative projects see: Policy Teams and Projects.

Project Duration & Budget CAPS:

  • Maximum duration: 6 months
  • Budget cap for total project direct costs: $150,000

Non-UC institutions are entitled to full F&A of the Modified Total Direct Cost base (MTDC); UC institutional F&A is capped at 35% MTDC (not retroactive to prior grants).


Title Full RFQ Applications Due
Artificial Light Pollution and Breast Cancer RFQ (pdf) August 08, 2024 (12 noon PT)



An applicant orientation webinar was held on Thursday May 23, 2024. The Slides and Recording are below: