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Study Group for Breast Cancer Prevention

Creating a Comprehensive Breast Cancer Prevention Plan for California

Please join CBCRP-funded Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP, formerly the Breast Cancer Fund) for a Comprehensive Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan for California study group.

Interventions to Address Community Needs and the Comprehensive Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan for California
Wednesday, June 20, 2018: 10:00-11:30 PDT

This webinar is the ninth in a series that will inform the development of this plan. It will explore different interventions being considered for inclusion in the Breast Cancer Prevention Plan with a specific focus on exploring ways to ensure that recommendations address the needs of communities and that unintended consequences are minimized. Guest presenters include:

Michele Roberts
Coming Clean

Juan Flores
Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment

Mayra Soto
Pacoima Beautiful


What is the Prevention Plan?

In 2017, BCPP launched a collaborative project to develop a Comprehensive Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan for California. The plan is a new effort to develop a policy platform that uses the best science and policy ideas to stop breast cancer before it starts.

In the United States, a woman’s risk of breast cancer is one in eight. Yet the majority of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer have none of the most commonly considered risk factors for the disease. This begs the question why, while it also raises further questions about how we reduce risk for the disease at the individual, societal, and policy levels. While all states have “cancer plans,” these generally focus on early detection, treatment, direct services and some lifestyle issues. The project seeks to explore the full range of prevention opportunities that can contribute to a statewide effort to prevent breast cancer.

Through this project, BCPP seeks to identify the best ways to reduce women’s exposure to toxic chemicals in air and water, in the workplace and in everyday products; and to reduce exposures to ionizing radiation in occupational and medical settings. We want to identify ways to reduce the stress of oppression from racism and poverty. In addition to personal choices people make about food, exercise, tobacco and alcohol, we want to address structural issues such as food deserts and lack of safe, clean outdoor recreation areas in certain California communities that make it difficult for women and men to maintain a healthy physical activity level.

BCPP will develop a policy platform that is both grounded in peer-reviewed science and informed by the real life experiences of communities on the front line of many of these risk factors. The result will be an action plan to reduce or eliminate breast cancer risks in California that can also be used as a model in other states.

Recordings of previous study groups can be viewed here: 

  • Intro to the Comprehensive Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan for California
  • Social and Built Environment and Breast Cancer Risk
  • Power, Disparities and Breast Cancer Risk
  • Chemicals #1: Carcinogens, Endocrine Disruptors and Physiological Changes in the Breast
  • Chemicals #2: Place-based Exposures
  • Occupational Exposures
  • Ionizing Radiation, Light at Night and Ambient Noise
  • Physical activity, Nutrition and Body Weight

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