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The Impact of Proposition 65 to Reduce or Eliminate Exposures Linked to Breast Cancer

To identify whether Proposition 65 has been effective in reducing exposure to chemicals that may cause or contribute to breast cancer

As part of our program-directed initiatives, CBCRP intends to fund up to one project to support research to broaden and deepen our understanding of the effectiveness of Proposition 65 to increase public knowledge and informed decision-making to reduce chemical exposure that may cause or contribute to breast cancer.      

CBCRP seeks a transdisciplinary investigative team to undertake an evaluation to determine how effective California's Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 has been at reducing exposure to breast carcinogens.    

Download the full RFQ below.

Full Request for Proposal (pdf)

Application materials are available on proposalCENTRAL.

An informational webinar was held on January 18, 2017.  Use this link to watch the webinar:

Almost thirty years post enactment, the examination of Proposition 65 impact on individual’s knowledge about chemical exposures and the actual reduction of exposures in California’s communities remains largely missing in the literature. 

One grant will be funded to a qualified California-based investigative team with deep expertise in policy evaluation, chemical exposure risk and risk communication strategies to undertake an evaluation of Proposition 65.  

Project aims

The research aims for the initiative are to identify measurable changes caused by Proposition 65 in three key areas:

  • the public exposure to chemicals that may cause or contribute to breast cancer, including known and suspected mammary gland carcinogens, mammary gland toxicants, endocrine disruptors, and/or chemicals with similar properties or similar mechanisms of action;
  • consumer perception and behavior regarding their chemical exposure risk based on labeling or public education campaigns; and
  • business practices such as reformulating products, utilizing informed substitution that leads to safer alternatives, offering more complete ingredient disclosure, adopting company-wide voluntary restricted substance lists,  and/or chemical ban policies.

Project duration and budget caps

  • Maximum duration: 3 years
  • Budget cap for total project direct costs: $600,000